Can You Get Hacked By Opening A Facebook Message?

We trust Facebook when they state that security is their top priority. After all, why would they publish reports about successful malware removal and bug fixes if they weren’t taking security seriously?

Well, there’s no denying that Facebook puts in a LOT of work to protect us from external attacks. From data encryption to round-the-clock customer support, they have it all to prevent user data breaches.

However, things become different when we unwittingly hand over the keys to cybercriminals. Anyone can easily get hacked by opening a Facebook message.

But how is this possible? The scheme is quite simple. Hackers create a virus, embed it within a link or file and send it to you. You might receive a message like:

  • Hey, I’m not sure, but it seems like they’ve posted your photo [link]
  • You look cool in this picture, agree? [link]
  • Thank you for choosing us! Your free coupon is waiting for you [link]

As you may have guessed, once you click on this link, you run a malicious code that infects your account or, even worse, your smartphone. The following scenario depends on the type of data it can collect. Some viruses target credit card statements, while others steal passwords or track your online activity.

Text Virus Is Not the Only Facebook Messenger Hack

Cybercriminals who aim to hack Facebook messages don’t limit themselves to small text viruses. Indeed, there are more tools in their toolbox than we can imagine. Let’s unpack it and learn how to protect your account from the most common attacks.

Phishing Attacks

Can someone hack you through Facebook Messenger?

Actually, cybercriminals can go a step further and send you an email that looks like it’s from Facebook. You might receive this one:

“Hi, [your name]. It looks like someone tried to log into your account. If you don’t think this was you, please log into your account so we can walk you through a few steps to keep your account safe.”

Below you’ll see a “Login” button. Naturally, you enter the credentials to save your data as fast as possible! However, nothing seems to happen. You look at a blank screen.

After a while, you return to the Facebook app, wondering if it was a strange bug or something.

A few days after, you can’t log into your app because someone has changed your password.

This type of Facebook Messenger hack is called phishing. It involves creating a fake login page users cannot distinguish from the original one. Add a bit of urgency (like a fake security email), and the trick does its job. Hackers simply record your credentials on their end while you input them without a second thought.

Later we’ll explain what to do if you become a victim of hacking. Now, let’s take a look at signs of phishing pages so you won’t get fooled so easily:

  • Bad design. This includes different colors from the original, poor grammar, and low image quality.
  • Changed URL. For instance, instead of
  • Unofficial email address.


Surprisingly, many people impressed by spy movies are afraid of call recording spyware.

But, let’s face it, we text more often than we talk. It’s more convenient and way faster, so that’s why keyloggers are one of the most dangerous tools for stealing data.

Can someone hack your Messenger app using a keylogger? Unfortunately, yes. This tool records every keystroke on your device, including passwords. The hacker will access every character you type in any text field. It’s possible to recover:

  • Your messages, even deleted ones
  • Comments
  • Private posts
  • Credit card details
  • Search history

Another worrying fact about keyloggers is that cybercriminals don’t have to be technical gurus to use them. Everything they need is available on the internet. You simply choose the software and download it from the online store onto the device you want to monitor.

The app hides within your phone’s memory, starts recording the data in the background, and sends it to a cloud server. More advanced keyloggers can even capture screenshots, providing cybercriminals with a complete picture of your activity. All that’s left for a hacker is to access the cloud database and locate the necessary information.

Don’t take our word for it – you can type any of these apps into your search engine and see how easily this Facebook hack works.

KeyloggerWorks OnCan Capture ScreenshotsHidden from You?
EyezyiOS 7.0+ Android 4.0+YesYes
mSpyiOS 7.0+ Android 4.0+Yes  Yes
FamiGuardiOS 9.0+ Android 4.0+YesYes

Facebook Messages Hack: How to Protect Yourself

The golden rule of cybersecurity states that it’s easier to prevent an attack than fix the damage caused by hackers.

This principle also applies to the question, “Can I get hacked by opening a message?” If something looks too good to be true, don’t fall for it. It’s better to appear skeptical and ask your friend to show you these pictures (if they exist) in person. Otherwise, you may infect your device by clicking on a suspicious link.

Moreover, if you receive security alerts from Facebook via email, first check your recent sessions for unfamiliar devices in your privacy settings. It’s likely that someone tries to “fish” you rather than warn you about the data breach.

What to Do If Your Facebook Messenger Was Hacked

  1. Changer your password and set up two-factor authentication for added security. If you can’t access your account, proceed to step 2.
  2. Report the Facebook Messenger hack to the support.
  3. Ask your friends and family not to respond to spam messages hackers might send from your account.
  4. Wait for a response from Facebook support. Once you receive instructions on account recovery, follow them carefully to prevent future attacks.


You can get hacked by opening a Facebook Message containing a suspicious link or a file. Cybercriminals use texts as a distribution channel for harmful viruses and phishing links. More experienced ones can even put a keylogger on your device to retrieve sensitive data without your consent.

However, no matter which methods hackers might employ, you can always stay ahead of possible attacks. Avoid following suspicious links, update your passwords regularly, and, most importantly, stay vigilant about any unusual activity on your account.

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